Aortic valve disease can involve stenosis (narrowing) or regurgitation (leaking). Aortic Stenosis means blood cannot flow freely through the "front doors" in the heart. The heart muscle must work harder to get blood to flow to the body. With aortic regurgitation, the heart attempts to pump blood to the body, but some of the blood flows backwards into the heart. This also causes the heart to work harder. On occasion, patients can have both aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. 

The majority of patients with aortic valve disease have age-related changes. Some patients may be born with a common valve defect (biscuspid aortic valve). Less common is an infection of the heart valve that can lead to poor heart function.

Saint Luke's Valve specialists can treat both stenosis and regurgitation by replacing the aortic valve either through catheter-based procedures or open-heart surgery. 

  • Saint Luke’s experts have been performing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) since 2008. This procedure involves implantation of a new aortic valve through catheters, large blood vessels in the groin (femoral artery). On occasion, we use a vessel in the neck (carotid artery).
  • Our experts also have many years of experience performing surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). It involves opening the chest wall and removing the old valve and replacing it with a new aortic valve. 

A cardiologist and surgeon will discuss these options and determine which is right for the patient. Prior heart valve surgery does not preclude a patient from receiving these treatments to fix aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation. 

For a consultation call 816-931-1883